June Elections Bring New IFEM Leadership
At this June's ICEM meeting in Mexico City, the International Federation for Emergency Medicine elected a new round of leaders, including incoming president Sally McCarthy.
President: James Ducharme (CAEP)
Immediate Past President: Lee Wallis (EMSSA)
President-elect: Sally McCarthy (ACEM)
Vice-President: Melanie Stander (EMSSA)
Treasurer: Anthony Cross (ACEM)
Secretary: Terrence Mulligan (AAEM)
Liaison and Oversight Officer: Ho Hiu-fai, Paul (HKCEM)
Regional Board representatives:
Africa: Benjamin Wachira (AFEM/
Asia: Wai-Mau Choi (SEMS)
Australasia: Anthony Lawler (ACEM)
Central/South America and Member at Large (ICEM 2020): Edgardo Menendez (SAE)
Europe: Tajek Hassan (RCEM)
North America: Brian Holroyd (CAEP)
Member-at-Large (ICEM 2019): Michael Choe (KSEM)